guide omori how to play

Guide for Beginners on How to Play OMORI

We devoted another guide to the Omori game to tell about the basic rules of the game. We’ll show you how to play OMORI so you can make sense of the world.

How to Play Omori

Omori is a game about children who live in their subconscious, seek adventure, and fight. The main character is called Omori, he is asocial and almost never leaves the house.

Through the door from Omori’s room, you enter the play space. This is where all the adventures take place. Different tasks should be completed. In the real world, you also need to carry out assignments. There are enough battles both in the real and in the virtual world. The game itself is a JRPG by genre, but with many features. The main thing here is the plot. The gameplay is secondary. You need to complete quests and explore locations, collect consumables or purchase them, learn new skills, level up the main characters, and fight in turn-based battles. In battles, emotions are taken into account. They give certain skills to the fighters.

And that’s all there that is needed to know how to play Omori. If you want to read more guides about this game, click on this section.

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