Alice in Borderlands: How the Series Will End?

In a new small guide to the show «Alice in Borderland,» we will tell you about what to expect from the ending of the series. When talking about the show’s finale, we will rely on the ending of the original manga.

The Ending of the Alice in Borderlands Series | How the Show Will End

Right now we know that Alice in Borderlands will include one more, or even two seasons. Ahead the main character will face the fight for curly cards, after which the original manga ends. As it turns out, the players are in a coma all this time, and with the series finale, they make a choice whether to return to the real world or stay in the Borderlands and help arrange games for the next batch of players. The main character, Arisu, chooses to return to the real world. After which he comes to his senses, but does not remember anything about the Borderlands. He also later meets Usagi in the real world and starts a relationship with her from scratch.

And that’s all there that you should know about the ending of Alice in Borderlands. For more articles about this series, regularly check our websites for updates!

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